Data Scientist: Top Job in America
November 16, 2017
Who said science isn’t cool? According to Glassdoor, data scientist is the top job in America. The overall job satisfaction that comes with being a data scientist ranks 4.1 out of 5 and beat out a number of other careers for the title of best job.
Statistics is a foundation of data science. Framing questions statistically allows us to leverage data resources to extract knowledge and obtain better answers. So interconnected, the fields of data science and statistics rely on each other, benefitting from a spirit of collaboration with researchers across many disciplines. The field of data science is experiencing rapid growth as new technology is developed and more data become available as a result, and this multidisciplinary approach is key to accommodating that growth.
In the coming years, data science is only expected to continue to develop and expand. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), which calculates employment data throughout the United States, has projected a growth of 33% for statisticians and data scientists by the year 2026. And, it’s not just the BLS projections that capture this essential need. We’ve noted before a number of times that the practices of statistics and data science have been singled out, including:
2017 is the Year of the Statistician
New Hybrid Economy Demands Highly Trained Data Scientists
What’s the Year’s Hottest Job? Statistician
Graduation Roundup: The Latest News in Data Science Careers
Top among the benefits of a career in data science, Glassdoor cites a median base salary of $110,000 and a knowledge base that is applicable to practically any field.
Data scientist wasn’t the only statistics-related nod from Glassdoor, either. In fact, seven of the top ten spots are related to IT and four are related to data management, including data engineer, analytics manager, database administrator and mobile developer.
Ready to jumpstart your data science or statistics career? Here are some additional resources:
What Kind of Statistician Could You Be?
Stats in Action: How One Data Journalist Writes an Article
Visualize This: Statistician Nathan Yau Helps Non-Experts Understand Data
Reviewed by the This is Statistics Team 07/2023

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