Hindsight Is 2023 for Former Statistics and Data Science Students
September 14, 2023
It’s back-to-school season! Gear up for the upcoming semester and consider diving into the captivating world of statistics and data science. Looking for diverse job opportunities that span across every industry? Look no further! With...
Elizabeth J. Kelly: “Statistics is for Adrenaline Junkies”
June 27, 2023
Elizabeth J. Kelly has always loved math, and as a professional statistician at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and a recreational rock climber, Elizabeth is an avid thrill-seeker who enjoys a challenge. “Math reminds me...
Perspectives: CUBE Program: A Student’s View of the World of Biostatistics
May 4, 2023
By Kayla Williams, mathematics major, Ohio State University I am currently a senior mathematics major at the Ohio State University, and hope to begin a Ph.D. program in statistics this upcoming fall. During the summer...
Celebrate Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month All Year
April 28, 2023
If you haven’t had a chance to celebrate Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month (MSAM), you still have time! But what is Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month? It was originally founded as Mathematics Awareness Week in...
The Power of Biostatistics: Eric J. Daza Holds the Key to Evolving the Healthcare Industry
March 2, 2023
Many students don’t realize how much they love statistics until they take their first class. This was the case for Dr. Eric J. Daza, a health data scientist with over two decades of experience. Throughout...