March Randomness Challenges and Outcomes: Week Two

This is Statistics’ March Randomness spring contest provides students with the opportunity to use their probability and statistics intuition to predict the outcomes of 16 simple random experiments. Teams that run out of their StatCoin stash will be eliminated. At the end of the month, the team with the most StatCoin loot wins the competition!

Here are this week’s challenges and outcomes:

Challenge #5

A pouch has one green ball and nine red balls.

Shuffle and take out three balls at random. Will all be red?

Challenge #5 Outcome

ASA’s 2020 President, Wendy Martinez, shares the outcome of challenge #5.

Challenge #6

Two red cards have an A on the back, and two red cards have a B on the back.

Two green cards have an A on the back, and one green card has a B on the back.

Shuffle the cards and select one red and one green at random.

Will both cards have the same letter on the back?

Challenge #6 Outcome 

John Bailer, Stats+Stories podcast host, shares the outcome of challenge #6.

Challenge #7

Roll a 10-sided die five times. Will you get some number at least twice in a row?

Challenge #7 Outcome

Brittany Greene, Assistant Professor of Information Systems, Analytics, and Operations at the University of Louisville shares the outcome of challenge #7.

Challenge #8

Pouch A has one blue ball and three red balls.

Pouch B has four blue balls.

Pouch C has four red balls.

Without looking, take two balls from Pouch A and put them in Pouch B.

Shuffle pouch B and without looking, take two balls from Pouch B and put them in Pouch C.

Shuffle Pouch C and without looking, take two balls from Pouch C.

Will they both be red?

Challenge #8 Outcome

Glen Colopy, host of the podcast “Data and Science with Glen Wright Colopy,” shares the outcome of challenge #8.


Updated contest challenges and outcomes will be posted daily.  


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