Breaking News: #DataViz Headline Challenge Week One Finalists

This spring, The New York Times Learning Network’s “What’s Going on in This Graph?” and the American Statistical Association teamed up for the This is Statistics 2022 spring Contest. Students and educators have the opportunity to showcase their statistical literacy and journalism skills by submitting clear and compelling headlines for New York Times graphs in March’s four weekly challenges.

Each week, students and educators have the opportunity to analyze a New York Times graph and submit their most compelling statistical headline. A panel of judges — American Statistical Association members and New York Times Learning Network advisors the submission and ranked the top headlines of the week.

Congratulations to our Week One Finalists!

High School & Middle School

“Is Wealth the Best Factor for Success? Most Young People Worldwide Say No”
Tevin, Valley Christian High School, San Jose, California
Sponsor: Claudia Smith 

“Road to Success: Global Gen Zers Envision Different Paths”
James, Westlake High School, Austin, Texas
Sponsor: Laura Ringwood

“The Formula for Success: What Does the Younger Generation Think?”
Molly, Pewaukee High School, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Sponsor: Abigail Bartz 

“The Youth’s Views on Being Successful in Life”
Taylor, Grand County High School, Moab, Utah

“What Determines Success”
Maddie, Ocean City High School, Ocean City, New Jersey

“Do young people see education as the path to success? Family wealth? The factors vary drastically by country.”
Agnes, School Without Walls High School, Washington, District of Colombia

“The Young People’s Key to Success”
Brad, Valley Christian High School, San Jose, California
Sponsor: Claudia Smith

“The Recipe for Success: What Ingredients are Most Valued Around the World”
Serena, Franklin Regional School District, Murrysville, Pennsylvania
Sponsor: Matthew Dunlap

“How name and status surpasses education in the United States compared to the rest of the world”
Andrea, Mt. Lebanon High School, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

“How the youth of different countries measure their ingredients in the recipe for success”
Luca, Ithaca High School, Ithaca, New York

“School, Family or Hard Work? What Factors Young People Think are Most Important to Their Success.”
Will, Kent Denver, Denver, Colorado

“The Key to Success (According to Our Youth)”
Eric, Brashier Middle College, Simpsonville, South Carolina
Sponsor: Amy Ballard

“Survey: Young Adults Around the World Think These Factors Determine Success”
Jonathan, Valley Christian High School, San Jose, California


“Roots of success according to 15-24 year-olds.”
Tropel, Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France
Sponsor: Lynn-Martinsons Nadine 

“Gen Z’s Story: My Success, My Business. But Their Country’s Level of Income May Have a Say.”
Anh, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida

“Leading Factors of Success: How Young Americans Differ from Other Nations”
Vanessa, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida

Finalists include those submissions scored in the top 10% for each age group.

Thank you to all who participated in the first weekly challenge!

Students, there is still time to compete in the second weekly challenge! The deadline to submit is Wednesday, March 16 at 6 pm ET/3 pm PT. Review this week’s featured graph and submit your headline here.

Teachers can participate, too! Click here to briefly tell us how you use the New York Times Learning Network’s “What’s Going On In This Graph?” or the 2022 #DataViz Headline Challenge in your classroom. Your response may be featured online and you will be entered into a random drawing for a gift card.


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